Plastic Free 2021

Plastics make our lives easier in many ways and are often lighter or less expensive than alternative materials. However, if they are not properly disposed of or recycled, they will end up in the environment, remaining for centuries while degrading into smaller pieces. These small pieces (typically smaller than 5 mm) called micro-plastics are nowadays one of the environment’s biggest threats.

What are micro-plastics?

Micro-plastics are solid plastic particles composed of mixtures of polymers, functional additives and sometimes residual impurities. They can be unintentionally formed when larger pieces of plastic, like car tyres or synthetic textiles, wear and tear. But they are also deliberately manufactured and added to products for specific purposes, such as exfoliating beads in facial or body scrubs.

How to help?

The best way to reduce the amount of plastic disposed of is to reduce its use.

This month we have a challenge for you. Plastic Free July! It is a global movement that helps millions of people to be part of the solution on plastic pollution. With everyone's contribution, we can all benefit from cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Download the calendar and get started today!